At least eight Porpoise were feeding offshore.
A bit of time was spent looking for insects with some exciting results. A small, black shieldbug was found in the moat which appears to Geotomus petiti This is the same species as that found by Gill Hollamby and myself on the RSPB Reserve last autumn when they were the first British records. This was followed by the catching of a bee which I think is a female Nomada zonata. This is a species that was first seen in Britain in 2016 but has spread a bit since then. The first Small Copper of the year was also seen.
Geotomus petiti Dungeness 7th April 2020 |
Nomada zonata female Dungeness 7th April 2020 |
Spring Vetch Vicia lathyroides Dungeness 7th April 2020 |
Upright Chickweed Moechia erecta Both of these planta are scarce in Kent and pretty much restricted to the Dungeness and Sandwich Bay areas. |