Three hours of seawatching today over two sessions. This morning session from the hide, in a cool NNW breeze recorded: Shelduck two E, Great Crested Grebe 17E, Kittiwake 74W, auk sp. 313W,12E, Red-throated Diver 46W,14E and Gannet 24W 8E. The afternoon session from the fishing boats, recorded: Common Scoter three W, Great Crested Grebe 15E, Kittiwake 13W, Red-throated Diver 13W, Guillemot 77W 3E, Razorbill 202W, auk sp. 1,088W and Gannet 28W.
Two Grey Seals and a single Common Seal recorded from both the hide and Fishing boats.
Elsewhere, six Pink-footed Goose, Long-tailed Duck, Water Pipit and Black-necked Grebe were at RSPB Dungeness and a single Tundra Been Goose at Scotney.