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Local weather


The Observatory can accommodate up to 9 people in two dormitories, you need to bring your own sleeping bags and it is self-catering. As well as Birdwatchers, we welcome people from many areas of interest including Moths, Butterflies, Bugs and Beetles or just a general interest in Nature and the local environment. Please forward any Dungeness recording area records to the Warden.
You can still support the Obs by using Give as you Live when shopping online.

28th Feb

The severe winter weather continues and is making observations difficult. A party of seven Pintails flew east and the regular Glaucous Gull and at least four Mediterranean Gulls were among the huge numbers of gulls at the Patch.

27th Feb

Strong winds, very cold and with some snow overnight and during the day. The numbers of gulls increased at the Patch but with only the regular Glaucous Gull and six Mediterranean Gulls of note. A Fieldfare was the only sign of any cold weather movement on the land.

Two Porpoises were seen offshore.

25th Feb

More wind and getting colder and not much to be seen except for the regular Glaucous Gull at the Patch and an adult Yellow-legged Gull at the fishing boats.

24th Feb

The wind and cold continues and very little to be seen other than the regular Glaucous Gull at the Patch.

The gulls provided a decent bit of interest on the RSPB Reserve where a second-winter Iceland Gull and a new juvenile Glaucous Gull joined the regular bird.
Gulls    Dungeness RSPB Reserve   24th February 2018
If you look carefully you can see an Iceland Gull and both Glaucous Gulls in this image. 

23rd Feb

A bitterly cold and windy day and not much to report other than the regular Glaucous Gull at the Patch/Power Station along with an adult Mediterranean Gull.
Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus   juvenile   Dungeness   23rd February 2018

22nd Feb

A cold and breezy day and limited coverage. The Glaucous Gull was at the Patch again but very little else was seen.

21st Feb

The regular juvenile Glaucous Gull was feeding around the Portakabins in the power station again. 
Three Snipe, a Song Thrush and a Rock Pipit were of interest on the land.

20th Feb

Another miserable morning of rain and very poor visibility. The two Glaucous Gulls were seen at various times during the day and an adult Mediterranean Gull was also seen off the the fishing boats.
The best of the birds on the land were a Mistle Thrush, five Song Thrushes and two Bullfinches.

A Porpoise was feeding with the Cormorants offshore.

19th Feb

A miserable day of almost constant rain. Coverage was limited but at least 80 Red-throated Divers flew west and the regular juvenile/first-winter Glaucous Gull was seen at the Patch.

Late in the day, both of the Glaucous Gulls were found on the RSPB Reserve.

Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus   RSPB   19th February 2018
A rare opportunity to get two Glaucous Gulls in one photograph although the light was very poor. 

18th Feb

Most of the days interest was on the beach where two juv/first-winter Glaucous Gulls and a new first-winter Caspian Gull joined the throng at the fishing boats and three Velvet Scoters and an adult Mediterranean Gull passed through.

Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans   first-winter   Dungeness   18th February 2018

Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus    juv/first-winter    Dungeness   18th February 2018
A new individual. 

17th Feb

The juvenile Glaucous Gull and an adult Mediterranean Gull were among the gulls feeding at the Patch but there was very little movement offshore in the calm and sunny conditions.
A Merlin and a Mistle Thrush were of interest on the land.

15th Feb

The juvenile Glaucous Gull was feeding inside the power station behind the Patch Hide again.

14th Feb

A third-winter Caspian Gull, an adult Yellow-legged Gull and the juvenile Glaucous Gull were all seen at the Patch.

13th Feb

A miserable day of very strong winds and heavy rain produced a decent movement of birds offshore with 1.5hr watch producing eight Fulmars, 576 Gannets, 1341 Kittiwakes, 2500 Black-headed Gulls, a Mediterranean Gull, 580 Guillemots, 305 Razorbills and 500 auks.

12th Feb

At least one Dartford Warbler was seen this morning and the juvenile Glaucous Gull was still on the beach.

11th Feb

The Glaucous Gull and a hybrid Mediterranean x Black-headed Gull were seen at the Patch.

10th Feb

The juvenile Glaucous Gull was still feeding in and around the Power Station/Patch area this morning. 

A Porpoise was feeding offshore.

9th Feb

A 1.75hr seawatch this morning produced 52 Fulmars, 75 Kittiwakes and an adult Caspian Gull passing west and a Great Skua moving up-channel. The juvenile Glaucous Gull was feeding around the Patch again.

8th Feb

The Glaucous Gull was still on the beach and a Merlin was seen a round the Old Lighthouse.

7th Feb

The Glaucous Gull was on the beach at the Patch again but there was barely a bird moving offshore.

6th Feb

Despite there been plenty of birds at the Patch this morning there was nothing of any note to be seen. A Snipe and two Bullfinches were the only notable birds to be seen on the land.

5th Feb

The Glaucous Gull was feeding inside the power station complex behind the Patch hide this morning but there was little else to be seen.

4th Feb

Limited coverage and little coverage.

3rd Feb

Limited coverage and little coverage.

2nd Feb

The Glaucous Gull was feeding at the Patch and the first-winter Caspian Gull was feeding at the fishing boats as usual.
Two Bullfinches were seen in the trapping area. 

1st Feb

The juvenile Glaucous Gull was feeding at the Patch again.

31st Jan

Seawatching during the morning produced 98 Brent Geese, 40 Fulmars, 1000 Cormorants, 185 Kittiwakes, 932 Guillemots and 682 Razorbills and the regular first-winter Caspian Gull.
Two Marsh Harriers were seen over the trapping area.

30th Jan

The first-winter Caspian Gull was seen at the fishing boats, a Dartford Warbler was feeding among the gorse and broom at the Point and two Bullfinches were seen in the trapping area. 

29th Jan

Three hours of seawatching during the day produced 1000 Cormorants, two Great Skuas, 221 Kittiwakes, 1520 Guillemots, 880 Razorbills and 430 auk species and the the regular Caspian Gull feeding at the fishing boats.

28th Jan

There were two first-winter Caspian Gulls including a new colour-ringed bird at the fishing boats, two Little Gulls were feeding at the Patch and 200 Kittiwakes wee feeding offshore.

27th Jan

The first-winter Caspian Gull and an adult Little Gull were feeding at the fishing boats and the juvenile Glaucous Gull was feeding at the Patch.