Still very little to be seen with just 25 Mediterranean Gulls, mainly feeding at the Patch, of note.
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28th June
Three Mediterranean Gulls were feeding offshore and two nestling Great Black-backed Gulls were seen on one of the buildings in 'B' Station.
A Grey Seal was feeding offshore.
The moth traps were very busy with a good variety and numbers but actually very little of note. The best on offer were two Rest Harrows, two L-album Wainscots and two Delicates. A Lunar Hornet Moth was caught in the Observatory garden and a Six-belted Clearwing was caught alongside the power station wall.
Dragonflies continue to provide plenty of interest with two Norfolk Hawkers and two Variable Damselflies seen at the north end of the Long Pits.
27th June
A Cuckoo and a Great Spotted Woodpecker at the Long Pits and six Mediterranean Gulls offshore were the only birds of note.
A Banded Demoiselle dragonfly was seen at the Long Pits. A less than annual species in the recording area.
The clear highlight of the day though was at Burrowes Pit on the RSPB Reserve where an adult Caspian Tern was found in the afternoon. It gave some excellent views up until 1720hrs when we had leave before the gates were locked.
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia Dungeness RSPB 27th June 2023 |
23rd June
Quiet on the bird front with just two Mediterranean Gulls feeding offshore and a Great Spotted Woodpecker at the Long Pits.
Two Porpoises and a Grey Seal were feeding offshore.
The main excitement of the day was the discovery of a small population of Scarce Emeralds damselflies in the bomb hole pools at the south-east corner of the Trapping Area. This is the first record for the Observatory recording area.
Scarce Emeralds Lestes dryas female and and male Dungeness 23rd June 2023 |
Pheromone lure put out for Lunar Hornet Moths and Six-belted Clearwings proved very successful with around 20 individuals of the first and six of the second being quickly attracted to them. The Large Tortoiseshell was seen again around its favoured flowering bramble patches at the Long Pits.
Lunar Hornet Moth Sesia bembeciformis Dungeness 23rd June 2023 |
22nd June
The Red-footed Falcon which has been on the RSPB Reserve for the last two days made a sortie into the Observatory recording area this morning. A few Swifts and Sand Martins also passed through.
Nine Porpoises, nine Grey Seals and five Common Seals were seen offshore.
The highlight of the day on the insect front was a Large Tortoiseshell butterfly which was hanging around some brambles on the east side side of the Long Pits about 50m N of the causeway.
Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros Dungeness 22nd June 2023 |
21st June
Fourteen Mediterranean Gulls were feeding at the Patch this morning and a Buzzard was seen on the Sleepers. A Yellow Wagtail also flew over.
Singles of Porpoise and Grey Seal were seen.
The first Essex Skippers and Marbled Whites of the summer were seen.
Elsewhere, the Red-footed Falcon was seen on the RSPB Reserve again along with a party of three Spoonbills. At least four Norfolk Hawkers were also seen.
20th June
Two Arctic Skuas flew east ahead of a massive thunderstorm and five Mediterranean Gulls were loafing offshore.
Two Porpoises were seen offshore.
Moth trapping produced a Brussels Lace (seventh Observatory trap record) and a Rosy Wave of note.
Brussels Lace Cleorodes lichenaria Dungeness 20th June 2023 |
Rosy Wave Scopula emutaria Dungeness 20th June 2023 |
Also of note, a first-summer male Red-footed Falcon was seen at Dengemarsh.
19th June
Very quiet. The only birds of note were 28 Mediterranean Gulls passing west this evening.
Eight Porpoises and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore.
The moth traps were fairly quiet but a visit to the Trapping Area with pheromone lures produced two Red-tipped Clearwings. Large numbers of Small Skippers and Meadow Browns are now on the wing.
Red-tipped Clearwing Syanthedon formicaeformis Dungeness 19th June 2023 |
18th June
The first significant rain for over a month fell overnight, briefly in the early morning and more heavily in the afternoon. A Greenshank flew over the area.
The moth traps were much busier last night and produced the rare micro Metalampra italica along with a Rest Harrow, an Orange Footman and two Delicates.
Metalampra italica Dungeness 18th June 2023 |
Elsewhere, a Spoonbill came into Burrowes Pit on the RSPB Reserve in the afternoon..
17th June
A check of the Patch produced 20 Mediterranean Gulls and a second-summer Yellow-legged Gull.
A Common Seal and a Grey Seal were seen offshore.
The moth traps were fairly quiet but did produce our 23rd record and the first since 2019 of True Lover's Knot.
True Lover's Knot Lycophotia porphyrea Dungeness 17th June 2023 |
15th June
Little change on the bird front although an evening seawatch produced another 110 Mediterranean Gulls moving east. At least 61 Stock Doves were seen around the Point.
Three Porpoises and three Grey Seals were feeding offshore.
The moth traps proved very productive again with the highlights of the first Observatory record of The Mocha and the first record since 2011 of a Rannoch Looper.
The Mocha Cyclophora anularia Dungeness 16th June 2023 |
Rannoch Looper Semiothis brunneata Dungeness 15th June 2023 |
14th June
A loose party of four Red Kite over the Point this morning was the highlight of the day. It was quiet offshore except for an excellent easterly movement of Mediterranean Gulls totaling 350 birds during the day.
Red Kite Milvus milvus Dungeness 14th June 2023 |
Three Porpoise and a Grey Seal were feeding offshore.
Elsewhere, a pair of Black-winged Stilts turned up on Burrowes Pit, RSPB but were mostly quite distant.
13th June
Seawatching produced 40 Mediterranean Gulls and a Manx Shearwater.
Four Porpoises and a Grey Seal were seen offshore.
Moth trapping overnight produced another Beautiful Marbled and the fourth Observatory record of Beautiful Hook-tip.
Beautiful Hook-tip Laspeyria flexula Dungeness 13th June 2023 |
Beautiful Marbled Eublemma purpurina Dungeness 13th June 2023 |
12th June
Twelve Mediterranean Gulls were the only birds of interest.
A Water Ernine was trapped overnight which was the first to be recorded at the Observatory since 2007. Other bits and pieces included a Rest Harrow, a Figure of 80 and a Small Dotted Buff.
Water Ermine Spilosoma urticae Dungeness 12th June 2023 |
11th June
Seawatching produced 12 Shovelers, 22 Mediterranean Gulls and an Arctic Skua. A Kingfisher was seen at the Long Pits and singles of Little Ringed Plover and Grey Wagtail flew over.
It was easily the best night of the year for moths with the highlights of a Cloaked Pug (the second area record of this presumed immigrant) and a Beautiful Marbled.
Beautiful Marbled Eublemma purpurina Dungeness 11th June 2023 |
Cloaked Pug Eupithecia abietaria Dungeness 11th June 11th June 2023 |
10th June
The morning seawatch produced 26 Mediterranean Gull and five Manx Shearwaters moving east and the first juvenile Wheatear was seen on the Point.
Four Porpoises and three Grey Seals were feeding offshore.
The micro-moth Nemapogon cloacella was trapped by visiting mothers at Wi Wurri on the Point and appears to be the first record for the Observatory recording area.
9th June
At last, a bit of warmth but still with a strong NE breeze. Not much to report in the way of birds other than 51 Mediterranean Gulls this morning (six moving east and 45 at the Patch).
Three Porpoises and three Grey Seals were seen offshore.
Shieldbugs found today included a Geotomus petiti at a new location on the Point and a couple of Brassica Bugs.
Elsewhere, the main interest was with the dragonflies with three Norfolk Hawkers on the Lydd Ranges and a Lesser Emperor along the Willow Trail, ARC.
5th June
Seawatching produced what little interest there was with a surprising Long-tailed Duck among a flock of Common Scoters along with six Shovelers, 18 Sanderlings, 11 Bar-tailed Godwits, 251 Kittiwakes and 38 Mediterranean Gulls. Nothing of note on the land.
Six Porpoises and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore.
2nd June
A two-hour seawatch this morning produced five Tufted Ducks, 105 Common Scoters, 11 Sanderling, 60 Mediterranean Gulls and an Arctic Skua flew east whilst a Black Tern spent a few minutes over the Patch.
Four Porpoise and a Grey Seal were feeding offshore and a Badger was seen in the evening.
1st June
A surprisingly good seawatch this morning with 5.25hrs of coverage producing 11 Shoveler, two Tufted Duck, 348 Common Scoters, eight Grey Plovers, two Whimbrel, 90 Sanderlings, 291 Kittiwakes, 12 Mediterranean Gulls, an adult hybrid Mediterranean x Black-headed Gull, 44 Sandwich Terns, 248 Common Terns, 42 Arctic Terns, a Great Northern Diver and a Manx Shearwater. It remains very quiet on the land.
Six Porpoise and four Grey Seals were feeding offshore.
Three Brown Argus were also seen.