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The Observatory can accommodate up to 9 people in two dormitories, you need to bring your own sleeping bags and it is self-catering. As well as Birdwatchers, we welcome people from many areas of interest including Moths, Butterflies, Bugs and Beetles or just a general interest in Nature and the local environment. Please forward any Dungeness recording area records to the Warden.
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31st Dec

The year ended with a fly-by first-winter Glaucous Gull this afternoon along with three first-winter Caspian Gulls visiting the puddles and offerings at the fishing boats. Seawatching earlier in the day produced a few Red-throated Divers, at least two Great Skuas, a Mediterranean Gull and a few Kittiwakes.  

Birding around the general area continues to be very good. The Stonechat identified as a Stejneger's from DNA was showing around the Kerton Road area but was occasionally wandering into private areas of land so please take care when looking for this interesting bird. The drake Ring-necked Duck continues to show very well on Cooke's Pit as does the Long-eared Owl behind the Dipping Pond, The occasional Great White Egret can be seen around the RSPB Reserve but higher numbers come into the evening roost at ARC. Two Bewick's Swans came onto New Diggings in the early afternoon in addition to the 29 birds feeding at Horse Bones Farm on Romney Marsh.  

30th Dec

Thick fog made observations virtually impossible with just the regular first-winter Caspian Gull reported.

29th Dec

The early upchannel passage of Brent Geese resumed again today with a remarkable total of at least 4500 birds moving through. A Black-throated Diver and six Great Skuas were also noteworthy.
The first-winter Caspian Gull was feeding at the Fish Hut again.

28th Dec

Two Scaup and 124 Red-throated Divers flew east and two Velvet Scoters flew west.

A Red-eared Terrapin was caught at the Long Pits and taken back into captivity.

27th Dec

A Porpoise was the only thing seen worth mentioning.

26th Dec

A Marsh Harrier flew out to sea and a Great Skua was lingering offshore. Four Caspian Gulls were feeding around the Point.

A Grey Seal was offshore.

25th Dec

A two hour seawatch this morning produced a Velvet Scoter, two Great Skuas and a Mediterranean Gull. The first-winter Caspian Gull was at the Fish Hut again.

24th Dec

A 1.75hr seawatch this morning produced a Velvet Scoter and 201 Red-throated Divers passing west. The regular first-winter Caspian Gull was feeding around the Fish Hut.

23rd Dec

Nearly four hours of seawatching during the day produced large numbers of Gannets and Guillemots, a Great Skua, a Mediterranean Gull and a few Razorbills.
Three first-winter Caspian Gulls were feeding at the fish scraps offered at the Fish Hut.

The huge surprise today though relates to the "grey" Stonechat which resided at Kerton Road (just north of the Observatory recording area) between 8th November and 5th December. DNA analysis of its faeces apparently confirms that it was a Stejneger's Stonechat. It would appear that the field guides need a complete rewrite!!

Some images of the bird taken on 10th and 16th November 2016 are shown below but please don't ask me to explain or justify the identification as I am completely baffled by it.

22nd Dec

A nice and sunny day with very light winds. The early morning seawatch was very quiet except for 300 Guillemots offshore. Three first-winter Caspian Gulls were seen - the regular bird at the Fish Hut and two at the Patch.

21st Dec

A damp and breezy day. The only coverage was offshore where 1120 Gannets, two Great Skuas, 25 Kittiwakes and 2800 auks.The regular first-winter Caspian Gull was around the Fish Hut for much of the day.

20th Dec

Coverage was limited to seawatching and the Patch today. Other than large numbers of Guillemots it was very quiet offshore with just a 103 Red-throated Divers, a Great Skua and two Mediterranean Gulls of note while the regular first-winter Caspian Gull was at the fishing boats again and two additional birds were on the beach at the Patch.

19th Dec

A miserable day of rain, mist and fog. The only observations were from the beach where a Long-tailed Duck flew east and a Great Skua and 200 Guillemots flew west. A Merlin was hunting offshore and one of the "regular" first-winter Caspian Gulls came to bread at the Point. 

18th Dec

Seawatching during the morning and early afternoon produced 390 Red-throated Divers, six Tufted Ducks, two Scaup, a Long-tailed Duck and three Great Skuas of note. The regular two first-winter Caspian Gulls were still present.

17th Dec

Seawatching this morning in misty conditions produced 40 Brent Geese, a flock of 110 Wigeon and a group of three Long-tailed Ducks moving up-channel whilst two Great Skuas moved down-channel and three first-winter Caspian Gulls spent the afternoon around the Point.
A check of the trapping area and Long Pits produced a Woodcock and four Chiffchaffs of note and a Snipe was also flushed from the beach.

Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans   first-winters   Dungeness   17th December 2016
For a short video of the second bird calling click here and here

16th Dec

Limited coverage today but a check of the gulls roosting at the Point was very productive with a total of five first-winter Caspian Gulls (four new individuals) being found. There did not appear to be a great deal of movement offshore although there were plenty of feeding Gannets and auks and a Pomarine Skua made a brief appearance as it harried Kittiwakes.

15th Dec

The very early upchannel movement of Brent Geese gathered strength today with at least 840 birds passing through. Other birds seen offshore included three Velvet Scoters and a Black-throated Diver whilst a first-winter Caspian Gull was on the beach.
Two Chiffchaffs, five Goldcrests and a Siskin were of note in the bushes and three Gadwall were on the Long Pits again.

14th Dec

A nice, clear morning meant a walk around the Trapping Area and Long Pits which produced a Marsh Harrier, four Gadwall and two Pochards on the pits, a Kingfisher and four Chiffchaffs of note. It is a sad sign of the times that a Greenfinch flying over the Observatory was an unusual winter record - not so long ago there was a regular wintering flock of up to 800 birds on the beach.
The fine weather saw an early upchannel movement of at least 300 Brent Geese whilst the two first-winter Caspian Gulls were loitering around the beach and Fish Hut.

Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans   first-winter   ind 1   Dungeness   14th December 2016 

Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans   first-winter   ind 2   Dungeness   14th December 2016 

13th Dec

Another miserable day with poor visibility in almost continuous drizzle and light rain. Coverage was limited to a few looks at the sea where the highlight was a party of Velvet Scoter passing west close inshore. The two first-winter Caspian Gulls from yesterday were still around and were joined by a new second-winter bird in the afternoon.

12th Dec

Another quiet and increasingly murky day. The best on offer was two first-winter Caspian Gulls at the Point. Two Velvet Scoters flew east in the morning.

11th Dec

Despite a fine, bright day there was not a great deal to report. A Marsh Harrier, three Chiffchaffs and a Fieldfare were of note in the trapping area. No Caspian Gulls came to the offerings at the fishing boats this afternoon.

10th Dec

A first-winter Caspian Gull and a Yellow-legged Gull were found at the fishing boats this afternoon but there was very little else to report.

9th Dec

The Patch was the place to be this morning with at least six Caspian Gulls (two adults, a third-winter, a second-winter and two first-winters) present and a Great Skua flew west off the fishing boats.

Elsewhere, the Ring-necked Duck remains on the pool near Boulderwall Farm and the Long-eared Owl was showing again in the bushes behind the Dipping Pool on the RSPB Reserve. A Caspian Gull was also roosting on Burrowes. The Black-throated Diver was still present on the pool to the west of Lydd Caravan Park and two Dartford Warblers were showing in the Kerton Road Triangle. Further afield, a small flock of Bewick's Swans are feeding in fields near Newlands Farm which are coming into ARC to roost.

Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris   male   RSPB Reserve   9th December 2016
Black-throated Diver Gavia arctic   Scotney   9th December 2016

8th Dec

Large numbers of gulls were feeding at the Patch this morning and included two Caspian Gulls (a first-winter and an adult) and five Mediterranean Gulls.

The Ring-necked Duck was still present near Boulderwall Farm.

7th Dec

Not a great deal report today with just a Velvet Scoter and an adult Mediterranean Gull offshore and Chiffchaff in the bushes of note.

On the RSPB Reserve, the Ring-necked Duck was still showing well near Boulderwall Farm and two Caspian Gulls (adult and first-winter) were amongst the thousands of gulls which came into roost in the evening.

The day ended with this spectacular sunset.

6th Dec

Undoubted highlight of the mornings seawatch was a Red-necked Grebe heading west. A scarce bird in recent times. Otherwise it was pretty quiet with 38 Red-throated Divers (13E,25W), six Shelduck west and a Merlin hunting over the sea.

On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck and a Great White Egret were still at Boulderwall Farm. There was no sign of the Long-eared Owl but there was a single Smew from Makepeace Hide. The ARC Pit held 13 Bewick's Swans, a Bittern and two more redhead Smew.

5th Dec

A very quiet hour from the fishing boats produced little of interest. A few Common Scoter east were joined by several Red-throated Divers but it was hard going.

The first-winter Caspian Gull was also noted in the gull roost.

A Grey Seal was seen offshore.

On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck and the Cattle Egret were still present at Boulderwall farm. 14 Bewick's Swans roosted on ARC Pit and two Avocet were also noted.

4th Dec

A quiet day on the Point with only a first-winter Caspian Gull of note.

On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Boulderwall Farm. There were also three Great White Egrets and a single Smew on Burrowes Pit , 2+ Goosanders were also seen on various pits throughout the day.

3rd Dec

First thing this morning the Patch held three Caspian Gulls (2x 1st winter and an adult) and two Mediterranean Gulls

Also of note was a Peacock seen by the New Lighthouse.

On the RSPB Reserve the three Smew were still on Burrowes Pit. The Long-eared Owl was roosting behind the Dipping Pond. The drake Ring-necked Duck was still at Boulderwall Farm and nine Great White Egrets were on the ARC Pit.

2nd Dec

A morning seawatch was quiet in terms of species but some good numbers which included 55 Red-throated Divers, (51E,4W), 24 Common Scoters and a Black-throated Diver was also noted.

A Grey Seal was also seen once again from the fishing boats.

On the RSPB Reserve the birds of note were the Ring-necked Duck and three redhead Smew. The Long-eared Owl was roosting once again at the Dipping Pond and 12 Bewick's Swans roosted on ARC Pit this evening. 

1st Dec

A quiet day on the Point with no seawatching birds of note. A Grey Wagtail was seen by the seawatch hide.

In the trapping area there was a small movement of Stock Dove with 45 passing overhead. Also singles of Woodcock and Chiffchaff.

On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck reappeared and two Smew were still on Burrowes Pit. A Brambling was seen at the feeders by the toilet block which made for a nice surprise. Lastly, a Dartford Warbler was seen  at Galloways.

30th Nov

There was very little coverage of the Point today and the best bird was a dead female Pheasant which is a scarce bird fot the Bird Observatory recording area. Otherwise the only bird of note was a Long-tailed Duck which flew west at 8.48am.

On the RSPB Reserve the eight Bewick's Swans were flushed by a farmer early morning but six of them did come in to roost on the ARC Pit this evening.  Also into roost were ten Great White Egrets and 18 Little Egrets. Elsewhere on the Reserve two redhead Smew were viewable from Dennis's Hide.

At Kerton Road Triangle there were still 2+ Dartford Warblers and three Stonechats.

29th Nov

Seawatching was hard going in the morning session but did pick up slightly by the afternoon with the highlight of the latter being three Great Northern Diver heading west. There was also a Slavonian Grebe on the sea. Otherwise 31 Red-throated Diver east and 800 Starling in off the sea were the only other notable birds.

Other birds on the land from the Fishing Boats included seven Lapwings on the beach and a first-winter Caspian Gull was in the gull roost. Also of interest a Great Skua was found dead along the strandline, it is not very often one of these succumbs.

An improvement in passerine numbers and variety was noted with 14 Siskin and 85 Goldfinch heading north overhead. Several Redwing, Song Thrush and Blackbird were whizzing around The Moat and the Trapping Area held  two Woodcock, a Chiffchaff, a Firecrest, three Goldcrests, 14 Long-tailed Tit and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. At the Long Pits another Woodcock was noted as well as singles of Jack Snipe, Common Snipe, Grey Heron and a Kingfisher

At least two Dartford Warbler were also present in the Broom at Kerton Triangle.

On the RSPB Reserve there was no sign of the Cattle Egret or the Ring-necked Duck but the Long-eared Owl was still present behind the dipping pond and two redhead Smew were on Burrowes Pit.

28th Nov

Seawatching in bright but cold conditions produced very little of interest. The scant highlights were two Great Skua, a single Velvet Scoter and 34 Red-throated Diver (33E/1W). 

Meanwhile an early morning look at The Patch provided some interest with a first-winter Caspian Gull, an adult Yellow-legged Gull and 14 Mediterranean Gulls amongst thousands of mixed gulls.

A single Grey Seal was seen from the Fishing Boats.

The only bird of note in the afternoon session from the Fishing Boats was a Long-tailed Duck heading west.

On the RSPB Reserve the only bird reported today was the drake Ring-necked Duck

27th Nov

The morning seawatch produced a nice selection of birds mainly heading east. The obvious highlights were three Velvet Scoter and a single Eider. Also of note were 78 Red-throated Diver, 806 Gannet, two Great Skua and 53 Mediterranean Gull all passing eastwards. 

There was also a first-winter Caspian Gull at The Patch with a further six Mediterranean Gulls.

On the RSPB Reserve the Cattle Egret reappeared at Cook's Pool with a Bittern for company and the Ring-necked Duck was still on the pool itself. The Long-eared Owl was still roosting behind the Dipping Pond, the six Bewick Swans were still around the Cockles Bridge area and Goosander and Great White Egret were once again reported from Burrowes Pit.

26th Nov

Very little coverage of the Bird Observatory recording area due to the Forster's Tern appearing mid-morning at nearby Folkestone!

The RSPB Reserve still held plenty with a most of the interest on Burrowes Pit and the Boulderwall Farm area. The former held singles of Smew, Red-breasted Merganser and an Avocet as well as six Grey Plover and two Goosander

At Boulderwall Farm the drake Ring-necked Duck was still present on Cook's Pool and was joined by a Water Pipit as well as a Jack Snipe. There was no sign of the Cattle Egret today however a Merlin was causing havoc around the horse paddocks. 

On New Diggings there was another pair of Goosander and the Long-eared Owl was roosting by the dipping ponds once again.  

The ARC Pit was the location for all six Bewick Swans this afternoon and finally the Egret roost totalled an impressive 12 Great White Egret and 21 Little Egret.

25th Nov

A cold north-easterly blow made the seawatch uncomfortable and not particularly rewarding with 22 Brent Goose, six Shelduck, 21 Wigeon and 31 Common Scoter the most notable.

On the RSPB Reserve there were six Bewick Swans (2 on Dengemarsh/4 on ARC Pit), two Caspian Gulls were in the roost on Burrowes Pit. The drake Ring-necked Duck, Cattle Egret and two Great White Egret were still around the access track area. Finally the Long-eared Owl was still roosting behind the dipping pond.

24th Nov

The seawatching was fairly slow going save for a mixture of wildfowl, all passing in an easterly direction unless stated. In total 55 Brent Goose (44E/11W), three Shoveler, a Pintail, 39 Wigeon, 14 Common Scoter (8E/6W) and three Red-breasted Merganser were noted. The best of the seawatching was provided by three drake Eider and a single Pomarine Skua heading east. Also of note on the Point were a Black Redstart  around the Fishing Boats and two 1st Winter Caspian Gulls were at The Patch.

On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck, Cattle Egret and 1+ Great White Egret were all still present along the access track. A single Goosander was on the ARC Pit, a Scaup was seen on Denge Marsh, the Long-eared Owl was still roosting by the Centre, four Bewick Swans were seen at in the Cockles Bridge area, two Yellow-legged Gulls were noted on Burrowes Pit and a Ring-billed Gull was reported but not relocated. 

23rd Nov

A quiet seawatch this morning with very few highlights however a Great Northern Diver east was of note. Passerines passing over head offered some interest with 128 Meadow Pipit and 500 Starling noted.

On the RSPB Reserve the Ring-necked DuckGreat White Egret and Cattle Egret were still present along the access track and the Long-eared Owl was still at the dipping pond. A pair of Goosander were on the ARC Pit of note. 

22nd Nov

Highlights from the seawatch from the fishing boats all came in the morning session with a single Pomarine Skua, two Velvet Scoter and 298 Common Scoter the pick of the birds. Also of note over 1000 Starling came in off. A single Manx Shearwater was also reported and a 2nd winter Caspian Gull was in the gull roost.

The Long Pits held a Great-crested Grebe, two Gadwall, eight Tufted Duck and singles of Kingfisher and Chiffchaff.

On the RSPB Reserve the usual suspects were still in place. The Ring-necked DuckCattle EgretGreat White Egret and Long-eared Owl were all in their usual spots. There were also four Yellow-legged Gulls and a first-winter Caspian Gull on Burrowes.

Lastly the four Bewick Swans were still along Dengemarsh Road opposite the Go-karting track.

21st Nov

More of the same on the peninsula today with seawatching providing the most interest. Three Sooty Shearwater this morning and one in the afternoon session all heading west were the obvious highlight. Three species of skua were also seen this afternoon with two each of Pomarine and Great as well as a single Arctic Skua.

Mediterranean Gulls were again obvious with eight in the morning and 56 seen in the afternoon all from the fishing boats. In total over 1000 Kittiwake passed west and a Yellow-legged Gull was seen in the usual gull roost. The Patch was awash with gulls in the morning with a further 36 Mediterranean Gull and two Caspian Gull the highlights. The 3,500+ Black-headed Gull present gave it a very wintery feel on the rough seas.

On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck was still along the entrance track as was the Cattle Egret and a single Great White Egret. An adult Caspian Gull was on Burrowes with two adult Yellow-legged Gulls and two Goosander (1 drake). Finally the Long-eared Owl was again roosting behind the dipping pond despite the driving rain.

20th Nov

Highlights from the morning seawatching at the fishing boats were 383 Common Scoter and two Velvet Scoter west. Otherwise two Great Skua, six Wigeon and a single Grey Plover west added to the variety. There was also a 1st winter Caspian Gull amongst the usual gulls.

The afternoon seawatching produced three Great Northern Diver west as well as two Red-throated Diver.

Meanwhile on the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck and the Cattle Egret were still along the access track with at least one Great White Egret still around. At least three Caspian Gulls (1x 2nd winter/2x 1st winter) were viewable from the Firth Hide. The Long-eared Owl was also noted roosting behind the dipping pond too.

19th Nov.

Gull watchers found two Caspian Gulls (second-winter and third-winter) at the fishing boats this afternoon and four Mediterranean Gulls were seen in the morning when a Great Northern Diver and a Great Skua flew west. Large numbers of Gannets were also feeding offshore.

The drake Ring-necked Duck, Cattle Egret and Long-eared Owl were all present on the RSPB Reserve and three new Caspian Gulls were seen on Burrowes.

18th Nov

The highlight of the days seawatching was a Long-tailed Duck which flew east close inshore and into the bay. Three Mediterranean Gulls and good numbers of Gannets were present and 70 Common Scoter flew west.

The Ring-necked Duck, Cattle Egret, Great White Egrets and Long-eared Owl continue to attract plenty of admirers to the RSPB Reserve where five Caspian Gulls were seen during the day and including a new green colour-ringed adult. 
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans  adult   RSPB   18th November 2016

17th Nov

A decent enough start to the day but rapidly turning very wet and windy from mid-morning. A Little Grebe, two Gadwall, a Water Rail, a Kingfisher and two Chiffchaffs were of note at the Long Pits whilst a Fieldfare, a Brambling, 62 Goldfinches, six Siskins and three Redpolls flew over.
The sea was very quiet although a Sooty Shearwater was seen in the early afternoon.

Two Grey Seals were seen.

The Ring-necked Duck and Cattle Egret were still place and six Caspian Gulls were seen on Burrowes in the afternoon.

Caspian Gulls Larus cachinnans   first-winter, second-winter, third-winter and adult  
Dungeness RSPB Reserve   17th November 2016

16th Nov

Not a great deal to report with just a Great Northern Diver passing west and two Mediterranean Gulls offshore and a late Swallow of note.

A Grey Seal was seen offshore.

15th Nov

A walk around the area this morning was almost birdless with just two Chiffchaffs of interest but a short seawatch in mid-morning was productive for one observer with a Great Northern Diver and 150 Mediterranean Gulls moving west. However, the day came to life in the late-afternoon with the unlikely finding of a first-winter Dotterel which dropped onto the beach by the fishing boats and remained until dark. A check of the gulls at the same time produced three Caspian Gulls (two first-winters and a second-winter). 

Dotterel Charadrius morinellus   Dungeness   15th November 2016
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans (1)  first-winter   Dungeness   15th November 2016

Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans  (2)  first-winter   Dungeness    15th November 2016
Elsewhere, the Ring-necked Duck and Cattle Egret were still at the first pool alongside the RSPB access track and a Long-eared Owl has returned to last winters roost behind the Dipping Pond.

14th Nov

A damp and dreary day with very little to be seen. Two Bramblings flew over the Observatory and 15 Mediterranean Gulls were feeding offshore and roosting at the Point.

A Common Seal was seen.

The Ring-necked Duck and Cattle Egret were both showing well along the entrance track to the RSPB Reserve. Three Caspian Gulls were seen on Burrowes Pit - one of which was the Polish colour-ringed (911P) bird first seen at the fishing boats on 15th October but not seen again until today.

13th Nov

A bit of movement offshore this morning included about 250 Wigeon, 25 Teal and two Velvet Scoters whilst a Great Skua was loitering offshore and another first-winter Caspian Gull made a brief visit to the fishing boats. In the afternoon a Pomarine Skua was marauding offshore and both Mediterranean Gull and Kittiwake totals increased to 150. 

Two Grey Seals and a Common Seal were also seen.

12th Nov

The day started with a cold southerly wind with rain setting in from mid-morning. There was little coverage of the land but some decent passage occurred offshore and large gulls provided plenty of interest.
Of note on the mornings seawatch were 41 Shelducks, a party of Tufted Ducks (always scarce offshore), 12 Red-breasted Mergansers, a close-in Great Northern Diver, a Great Skua, around 35 Mediterranean Gulls, seven Little Gulls and a first-winter Iceland Gull whilst at least five Caspian Gulls were seen on the beach during the day.

Elsewhere, the drake Ring-necked Duck has relocated to Burrowes Pit on the RSPB Reserve and the Cattle Egret was still with the cattle alongside the entrance track.

Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans   Dungeness   12th November 2016
One of the five individuals seen on the Point during the day.

11th Nov

There was an increase in overhead passage with a few finches including three Bramblings and 20 Redpolls along with 2000 Starlings and a rarity in the form of a Lapland Bunting. A Little Egret also came in off the sea.
There was a small movement of mainly wildfowl offshore this morning with 94 Teal of note and three lingering Mediterranean Gulls.

A Grey Seal was also seen.

10th Nov

Not much to report today. A handful of finches over the area included a Brambling and 33 Mediterranean Gulls were feeding offshore in the afternoon.

Two Porpoises were also seen.

9th Nov

A grim morning of torrential rain and which never really got light until mid-day. Limited coverage but a couple of brave souls did a three-hour seawatch this morning which produced a huge movement of over 1400 Gannets along with seven Gadwall and eight Mediterranean Gulls of note. 

Elsewhere, the Ring-necked Duck and Cattle Egret were still present and showing well around the first pool alongside the entrance to the RSPB Reserve.

8th Nov

The morning proved surprisingly interesting. On the land a few thrushes and finches dropped in whilst a Lapwing, 34 Golden Plovers, three Snipe and at least 5000 Starlings passed through.
Despite the light NW wind there was a very decent movement of wildfowl offshore which included 440 Brent Geese, eight Gadwall, a Pintail, 198 Wigeon, 164 Teal, three Scaup, a very smart pair of Long-tailed Ducks, eight Goldeneyes and five Red-breasted Mergansers. Also of note were a group of three Little Egrets which came in and flew north, 19 Golden Plovers, a Great Skua, five Mediterranean Gulls and a Little Gull.

Three Porpoises and a Grey Seal were also seen.

It was also a day of great interest around the Point. A very odd-looking Stonechat was found at Kerton Road which was thought to be a Siberian Stonechat but a number of observers also had some doubts about the identity. Late in the day a first-winter Ring-necked Duck was found on the first pool along the RSPB entrance track and the first two Bewick's Swan of the winter arrived. Two Spoonbills spent some time on Burrowes and the Cattle Egret was still feeding among the cattle.

7th Nov

A cold, wet and windy day with a steady trickle of birds offshore. Of note were 28 Shelducks, 61 Teal, four Gadwall, three Long-tailed Ducks, two Goldeneyes, nine (including a flock of eight) Goosanders, 23 Knot, a party of three Pomarine Skuas, two Great Skua and 152 Mediterranean Gulls whilst numbers were provided by 330 Brent Geese and 633 Gannets. Two Grey Herons, 335 Starlings and 20 Chaffinches came in from the east. An adult Caspian Gull also made a brief stop at the Point.

Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans   adult   Dungeness   7th November 2016
Two Porpoises and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore.

6th Nov

Another frosty morning which seemed almost devoid of migrants. In the afternoon two Caspian Gulls (an adult and a second-winter) came to the offerings at the fishing boats.

5th Nov

Very little to be seen. A Marsh Harrier and a Buzzard flew over, two Gadwall were on the Long Pits and a Yellow-legged Gull was seen at the fishing boats.

A Porpoise and a Grey Seal were feeding offshore.

Elsewhere, the Cattle Egret was with the cattle at Boulderwall Farm again and roosted at ARC along with a Dungeness record count of 17 Great White Egrets

4th Nov

Most of the days interest was offshore where 4.5 hrs of watching this morning produced 25 Wigeon, nine Teal, a Pintail, three Great Northern Divers, 22 Red-throated Divers, singles of Manx and Sooty Shearwaters, four Great Skuas, 67 Mediterranean Gulls, around 800 Auks sp, and three Little Auks.
Very quiet on the land with just four Rock Pipits and 20 Redpolls overhead and six Chiffchaffs in the trapping area.

Three Porpoises and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore.

The RSPB continues to support up to 16 Great White Egrets and the Cattle Egret returned with its bovine friends to the fields at Boulderwall Farm. Reasonable numbers of gulls have been roosting on Burrowes and this evening they included seven Caspian Gulls of various ages. A red-head Goosander is also present here and two Jack Snipe can be seen from Firth Hide.

3rd Nov

The day started with a spectacular sunrise and a fairly hard frost which gave way to a bright, sunny and virtually windless day.

The land seemed almost devoid of birds but a small catch of redpolls in the morning consisted of five Lessers and two of the much scarcer Common Redpoll (one of which is shown below.) A Woodcock was also flushed from the moat. The Dartford Warbler and Ring Ouzel were also seen again.

Common Redpoll Carduelis flammea   Dungeness   3rd November 2016
Given the calm conditions it was something of a surprise to find that the sea was really the place to be. Six hours of watching produced a Light-bellied Brent Geese, a Goldeneye, a Great Northern Diver, nine Sooty Shearwaters (all heading east in the afternoon), a Great Skua, 35 Mediterranean and five Little Gulls feeding offshore and three Little Auks amongst nearly 3000 Razorbill/Guillemot of note.

Five Porpoises were feeding offshore and a Brown Hare was seen in the land.

A Hummingbird Hawk-moth was feeding in the moat.

A Cattle Egret (re)appeared near Boulderwall Farm on the RSPB Reserve in the afternoon and a Goshawk was seen at Dengemarsh during the morning.