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At Dungeness Bird Observatory we take security of your data very seriously. The data we hold is kept securely on a password protected device and we never pass on any information to a third party. For more information please read our Data Policy available here.

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The Observatory can accommodate up to 9 people in two dormitories, you need to bring your own sleeping bags and it is self-catering. As well as Birdwatchers, we welcome people from many areas of interest including Moths, Butterflies, Bugs and Beetles or just a general interest in Nature and the local environment. Please forward any Dungeness recording area records to the Warden.
You can still support the Obs by using Give as you Live when shopping online.

2nd Apr

Firstly an apology to all but Dungeness has been effectively locked down by the landowners (EDF) and any unnecessary visitors are being very much discouraged from coming onto the estate. All the car parks are blocked off and given that gatherings of more than two people are currently banned it was impossible for us to put news of our bird of the day out to the general public. However, I have had numerous requests to continue to put sightings and photographs on the webpage even though visits cannot be made. I trust that you will all understand and appreciate that this is a difficult situation for us but we want to continue to keep everyone informed as much as possible. Please DO NOT come down tomorrow, over the weekend or for the foreseeable future otherwise we will have to review this policy.

Anyway, to the birds which was headed by the finding of our second Short-toed Treecreeper of the year this morning. Other migrants continue to be fairly thin on the ground but did include our first Willow Warbler of the spring along with 150 Wood Pigeons, ten Chiffchaffs and singles of Blackcap, Firecrest, Rock Pipit and Corn Bunting. Large numbers of corvids were present and included a Carrion x Hooded Crow hybrid. A Marsh Harrier and a Merlin were also seen.

Short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla    Dungeness   2nd April 2020
The early morning seawatch was also productive with ten Wigeon, five Shoveler, four Gadwall, two Pintail, four Teal, an Eider, 158 Common Scoters, two Red-breasted Mergansers, a Red-necked Grebe, two Mediterranean Gulls and 26 Sandwich Terns.

We also deployed two "noc mig" recorders last night which between them produced a good selection of birds including three flocks of Wigeon, two flocks of Teal, two flocks of Common Scoters, a Grey Plover, a Dunlin, two Snipe, eight Blackbirds, a Song Thrush, a Fieldfare and 446 Redwings.

Ten Porpoises were feeding offshore.