Although there seemed to be a few more migrants in the general area it was still fairly quiet in the immediate Observatory area with just six Willow Warblers, eight Chiffchaffs, seven Blackcaps and four Wheatears of interest whilst 420 Wood Pigeons, a Grey Wagtail and 15 Goldinches passed overhead.
The "noc-mig" kit was out again last night and recorded one flock of Common Scoters, four Redwings and a Song Thrush.
One Porpoise was feeding offshore.
Two Red Admirals were the first of the year and a few early flowering plants are starting to appear.
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta Dungeness 6th April 2020 |
Field Pansy Viola arvensis Dungeness 6th April 2020
One of my favourite early flowering plants.
One of my favourite early flowering plants.
Early Forget-me not Myotis ramossissima Dungeness 6th April 2020