A quiet day around the peninsula with very little coverage due in the main to a biting northerly wind. Highlight of the day were the two Great Skua which passed the Seawatch Hide this morning. They have been few and far between on seawatches lately due to the decimation of the breeding populations from avian influenza.
Seawatch Hide per MC/RW (08:00 to 09:00): Tufted Duck 1W, Great-crested Grebe 9 o/s, Turnstone 2, Oystercatcher 2W, Kittiwake 6W, Black-headed Gull 14W, Mediterranean Gull 1W, Common Gull 14W, Great Black-backed Gull 9W, Lesser Black-backed Gull 2W, Great Skua 2E, Guillemot 4E, Razorbill 3E, Auk sp. 23E, Red-throated Diver 13W/14E, Gannet 96E and Cormorant 943W.
Grey Seal 1
Dungeness RSPB: The single Great Northern Diver was still present on Burrowes Pit from Dennis’s Hide and a male Hen Harrier was seen over the Dengemarsh Reedbed during the morning (MC/RW).