Another chilly morning with a slight change to a gentle north-easterly wind. Generally quiet in the bushes around the Observatory due, in the main to dog walkers.
Fishing Boats per MC/RW (08:00 to 09:00 & 13:30 to 14:30): Brent Goose 1E, Teal 3W, Wigeon 3W, Velvet Scoter 1W, Common Scoter 19W/2E, Great-crested Grebe 12o/s, Oystercatcher 4W/1E, Turnstone 2 present, Kittiwake 7W, Guillemot 8 o/s, Razorbill 15 o/s, Auk sp. 44W, Red-throated Diver 7W/10E/2 o/s, Gannet 65 feeding and Cormorant 1000+ o/s.
Grey Seal 1
Dungeness Point: A single Dartford Warbler seen by the Polish War Memorial (JY)
Dungeness RSPB: The two Great Northern Divers were still present from Dennis's Hide as well as a drake Goldeneye. Late afternoon the herd of 24 Bewick Swans (20 adults/4 juv) from Walland Marsh came into ARC Pit with four Whooper Swans for company. Up to eight Cattle Egret were feeding around Cockles Bridge and the Glossy Ibis flock has lost its fourth member, down to three again today! (MC/RW).
Dengemarsh Gully: Generally quiet with just a Raven overhead and six Goldcrests of note (MC).