Most of the day was spent seawatching were there was an excellent passage of birds. Numbers were provided by 1561 Brent Geese, 42 Wigeon, 189 Pintails, 205 Common Scoters, 1955 Kittiwakes, 466 Little Gulls, 63 Mediterranean Gulls, 25 Sandwich Terns and 733 Gannets. The highlights included two adult Sabine's Gulls, a first-winter Caspian Gull, three Great Skuas and four Arctic Skuas while the Arctic Tern remains.
Pintails Anas acuta Dungeness 12th November 2023
Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla Dungeness 12th November 2023 |
Little Gulls Larus minutus Dungeness 12th November 2023 |
Sabine's Gulls Xema sabini adults Dungeness 12th November 2023 |
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans first-winter Dungeness 12th Noember 2023 |
Arctic Skuas Stercorarius parasiticus Dungeness 12th November 2023 |
Limited coverage on the land produced a Woodcock, a Merlin, a Firecrest and a Dartford Warbler.
A Common Seal and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore.