Following the pattern of recent days the morning seawatch was fairly quiet but the afternoon was much busier with yet more terns passing through. Notable totals from nearly ten hours of watching included four Black-throated Divers, 38 Whimbrel, three Little Gulls, 14 Little Terns, 7626 "Commic" Terns, five Great Skuas, a Pomarine Skua and five Arctic Skuas. It remains very quiet on the land with hardly a passage migrant to be seen.
At least 20 Porpoises and three Grey Seals were feeding offshore and three Brown Hares were seen on the land.
Very few butterflies were to be seen but they did include three Grizzled Skippers.
Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae Dungeness 2nd May 2021 |