A fine and very warm day which failed to produce very much on the land but there was a decent easterly movement offshore with 673 Common Scoters during the morning and also three Velvet Scoters and a single Manx Shearwater. An Arctic Skua flew east in the evening. The Iceland Gull and a first-summer Mediterranean Gull were feeding at the Patch along with an adult hybrid Mediterranean Gull x Black-headed Gull.
There were at least 30 Porpoises feeding offshore for a time this afternoon and a Grey Seal was also in the area.
Five Brown Argus butterflies were seen but overall butterfly numbers were very low.
Mediterranean x Black-headed Gull hybrid adult Dungeness 22nd May 2017 (Lee Gregory) |
There were at least 30 Porpoises feeding offshore for a time this afternoon and a Grey Seal was also in the area.
Five Brown Argus butterflies were seen but overall butterfly numbers were very low.