A Happy New Year to all our readers.
A fine morning with light winds deteriorated through the day with winds increasing and some rain by dark. Nearly five hours of seawatching produced six Shoveler, 48 Teal, two Eiders, 197 Red-throated Divers, two Great Skuas, seven Mediterranean Gulls, five Little Gulls and 320 Kittiwakes all west and another 75 Brent Geese moving east.
A fine morning with light winds deteriorated through the day with winds increasing and some rain by dark. Nearly five hours of seawatching produced six Shoveler, 48 Teal, two Eiders, 197 Red-throated Divers, two Great Skuas, seven Mediterranean Gulls, five Little Gulls and 320 Kittiwakes all west and another 75 Brent Geese moving east.
The first-winter Caspian Gull saw the New Year in at the fishing boats where an adult Yellow-legged Gull was also present.
Limited coverage of the trapping area produced a Snipe, two Firecrests and three Chiffchaffs.