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At Dungeness Bird Observatory we take security of your data very seriously. The data we hold is kept securely on a password protected device and we never pass on any information to a third party. For more information please read our Data Policy available here.

Local weather


The Observatory can accommodate up to 9 people in two dormitories, you need to bring your own sleeping bags and it is self-catering. As well as Birdwatchers, we welcome people from many areas of interest including Moths, Butterflies, Bugs and Beetles or just a general interest in Nature and the local environment. Please forward any Dungeness recording area records to the Warden.
You can still support the Obs by using Give as you Live when shopping online.

9th Nov

A day with mainly light winds and low clouds with frequent drizzle. It was fairly quiet on the land with four Chiffchaffs, nine Fieldfares, 24 Redwings, two Mistle Thrush, a Rock Pipit, eight Bramblings, 14 Lesser Redpolls, 57 Siskins and a single Snow Bunting of note. Seawatching produced a Red-breasted Merganser, 1000 Gannets, 202 Kittiwakes, a Little Gull, eight Sandwich Terns, three Great Skuas and an Arctic Skua were seen offshore. 

A Grey Seal was feeding offshore.

A Vagrant Emperor was picked up inside the power station.

The moth traps produced a single Palpita vitrealis.