A bright, sunny morning with a light easterly breeze. It was fairly quiet on the land with most birds passing overhead and including six Jays, 25 Chiffchaffs, two Firecrests, five Song Thrushes, two Wheatears, a Grey Wagtail, five Brambling, a Redpoll, ten Siskins and seven Reed Buntings.
Seawatching produced 90 Brent Geese, a Shoveler, 15 Wigeon, two Snipe, two Mediterranean Gulls and 15 Arctic Skuas.
The Audiomoth was out again last night with totals of one Grey Heron, two Snipe, 136 Song Thrushes, 76 Redwings and 74 Blackbirds.
Two Porpoises and a Grey Seal were seen offshore.