Seawatching for 8.5 hours produced a drake Garganey, four Red-breasted Mergansers, 50 Grey Plovers, 144 Sanderlings, three Whimbrel, a Redshank, a Pomarine Skua, four Arctic Skuas, seven Mediterranean Gulls, 40 Little Terns, 34 Black Terns and an excellent 4400 Common Terns whilst the scarcest birds of the day were a party of three Spoonbills which flew west.
Six Porpoises were seen offshore and two Brown Hares were seen at the north end of the Desert.
Seven Grizzled Skippers, a Holly Blue and three Red Admirals were the best of the butterflies.
Moth trapping produced three Silver Y's and an uncommon micro for us, the Yarrow feeding Dichrorampha acuminitana.
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Dichrorampha acuminitana Dungeness 10th May 2016 |