A quiet start to the days seawatching but things improved considerably from mid-morning with an excellent total of 313 Pintails passing through (the fourth best-ever day total) and 2166 Brent Goose. A few other bits and pieces also passed through with three Shovelers, two Eiders, 36 Fulmars, a Great Skua, six Mediterranean Gulls and a Little Gull of note. At least one of the Iceland Gulls was still feeding at the Patch and the regular first-winter Caspian Gull was hanging around the Fish Hut area again.
The land remains pretty quiet but there were some signs of migration with a small increase in Blackbird numbers, three Siskins over and the first Firecrest of the spring in the Observatory garden.
Four Porpoises were feeding offshore and a dead one was washed up on the beach.
The land remains pretty quiet but there were some signs of migration with a small increase in Blackbird numbers, three Siskins over and the first Firecrest of the spring in the Observatory garden.
Firecrest Regulus ignicapillus Dungeness 3rd March 2017 (Lee Gregory) |