A good arrival of Chiffchaff this morning with a minimum of forty-five birds around the Point and trapping area. The only other migrants were three male Wheatears along the beach.
At the Patch one Iceland Gull and this evening by the Fish Hut two new Caspian Gulls a first and second winter. The sea was pretty quiet with a small movement of Brent Geese, Gannet, Red-throated Diver and a single Great Skua.
Clear skies overnight meant the moth trap contained just two species, mid-morning the wind picked up and turned quite cool the only butterflies recorded were four Small Tortoiseshell.
On the RSPB Reserve on Tanner's Pool were a pair of Smew, pair Garganey, drake Ring-necked Duck, four Great White Egret and five Pintail.
At the Patch one Iceland Gull and this evening by the Fish Hut two new Caspian Gulls a first and second winter. The sea was pretty quiet with a small movement of Brent Geese, Gannet, Red-throated Diver and a single Great Skua.
Clear skies overnight meant the moth trap contained just two species, mid-morning the wind picked up and turned quite cool the only butterflies recorded were four Small Tortoiseshell.
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans Dungeness 17th March 2017 (Lee Gregory) |
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans Dungeness 17th March 2017 (Lee Gregory) |