Undoubted highlight of the mornings seawatch was a Red-necked Grebe heading west. A scarce bird in recent times. Otherwise it was pretty quiet with 38 Red-throated Divers (13E,25W), six Shelduck west and a Merlin hunting over the sea.
On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck and a Great White Egret were still at Boulderwall Farm. There was no sign of the Long-eared Owl but there was a single Smew from Makepeace Hide. The ARC Pit held 13 Bewick's Swans, a Bittern and two more redhead Smew.
On the RSPB Reserve the drake Ring-necked Duck and a Great White Egret were still at Boulderwall Farm. There was no sign of the Long-eared Owl but there was a single Smew from Makepeace Hide. The ARC Pit held 13 Bewick's Swans, a Bittern and two more redhead Smew.