A morning seawatch was quiet in terms of species but some good numbers which included 55 Red-throated Divers, (51E,4W), 24 Common Scoters and a Black-throated Diver was also noted.
A Grey Seal was also seen once again from the fishing boats.
On the RSPB Reserve the birds of note were the Ring-necked Duck and three redhead Smew. The Long-eared Owl was roosting once again at the Dipping Pond and 12 Bewick's Swans roosted on ARC Pit this evening.
A Grey Seal was also seen once again from the fishing boats.
On the RSPB Reserve the birds of note were the Ring-necked Duck and three redhead Smew. The Long-eared Owl was roosting once again at the Dipping Pond and 12 Bewick's Swans roosted on ARC Pit this evening.