Very little coverage of the Bird Observatory recording area due to the Forster's Tern appearing mid-morning at nearby Folkestone!
The RSPB Reserve still held plenty with a most of the interest on Burrowes Pit and the Boulderwall Farm area. The former held singles of Smew, Red-breasted Merganser and an Avocet as well as six Grey Plover and two Goosander.
At Boulderwall Farm the drake Ring-necked Duck was still present on Cook's Pool and was joined by a Water Pipit as well as a Jack Snipe. There was no sign of the Cattle Egret today however a Merlin was causing havoc around the horse paddocks.
On New Diggings there was another pair of Goosander and the Long-eared Owl was roosting by the dipping ponds once again.
The ARC Pit was the location for all six Bewick Swans this afternoon and finally the Egret roost totalled an impressive 12 Great White Egret and 21 Little Egret.