Strong west to south west winds restricted most of the observations to the sea where five hours of watching produced three Mute Swans, five Wigeon, two Mediterranean Gulls, 174 Sandwich Terns, a Black Tern, 14 Arctic Skuas, two Balearic Shearwaters and a Hen Harrier which flew out to sea. It was very quiet for grounded migrants with just a Firecrest in the Trapping Area of note but there was a decent movement overhead with a late Swift, 50 Sand Martins, 5,000 Swallows, 600 House Martins and 500 Meadow Pipits.
Two Porpoises and a Grey Seal were seen offshore.
The run of migrant moths continued despite the poor conditions with another two Palpita vitrealis, a Box-tree Moth, a Delicate and a Clancy's Rustic.