A small arrival of migrants in the bushes included 20 Chiffchaffs and nine Blackcaps while 1,400 Swallows, 40 House Martins, six Grey Wagtails, 440 Meadow Pipits, a Tree Pipit, 220 Siskins and 17 Reed Buntings passed overhead. Seawatching during the day produced 41 Brent Geese, 104 Common Scoters, 15 Knot, four Mediterranean Gulls, 606 Sandwich Terns and nine Arctic Skuas.
Single Porpoise and Grey Seal were seen offshore.
The moth traps were very productive with nine Palpita vitrealis, eight Box-tree Moths, four Gems, two Vestals, a Small Mottled Willow, ten Delicates, a Scarce Bordered Straw and our sixth record of Radford's Flame Shoulder of note.
Three Mediterranean Stick-insects were found in the Observatory garden.