The day started with a fresh SSW wind and some decent seawatching but the wind soon veered into the west and brought a quick end to the passage. Highlights were 88 Shelduck, 24 Shoveler, 97 Pintail, six Velvet Scoter, 53 Red-breasted Mergansers, three Black-throated and one Great Northern Diver, two Sooty Shearwaters, five Grey Plovers, 127 Dunlin, 575 Kittiwakes, 31 Little Gulls, three Sandwich Terns and singles of Great and Arctic Skuas. The Sabine's Gull reappeared in the afternoon when a Little Auk was also seen. Migrants on the land were few and far between but did include four Swallows and an extremely late Sand Martin, a Dartford Warbler and six Goldcrests.
One Porpoise was seen offshore.