Almost dawn 'till dusk coverage of the sea produced some good totals although birds were mostly distant in the morning and with the bulk of the numbers passing through from late afternoon. Of note were a drake Goosander, a Great Northern Diver, five Manx Shearwaters, two Little Egrets (west), two Avocets, 43 Whimbrel, 559 Bar-tailed Godwits, ten Mediterranean Gulls, 1216 Common Terns, 363 Arctic Terns, 3435 "Commic" Terns, five Black Terns, eight Pomarine Skuas, 23 Arctic Skuas and a Puffin. A Hobby also came in. Grounded migrants remain very scarce with just five Willow Warblers of any interest. The first fledged Stonechats were also seen.
At least 50 Porpoises and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore