With winds coming from the south-east today all the interest was offshore and where 13 hours of coverage was achieved. A spectacular passage occurred and of particular note were 13 Garganey (taking the spring total to remarkable 111 individuals), 72 Velvet Scoters, two Avocets, 14 Little Gulls, 29 Mediterranean Gulls, seven Little Terns, 24 Arctic Terns and 23 Arctic Skuas. Numbers were provided by 40 Shelduck, 315 Shovelers, 47 Gadwalls, 123 Pintail, 202 Teal, 1672 Common Scoters, 30 Red-breasted Mergansers, 1194 Gannets, 277 Whimbrels, 124 Kittiwakes, 2898 Sandwich Terns (a new spring day record), 235 Common Terns and 687 auks species.
A singing Reed Warbler at the Long Pits was our first of the year..
Fifteen Porpoises were feeding offshore and a Badger was seen in the Observatory garden again this evening.