Seawatch Hide (14:00 to 15:00): 6 Common Scoter (E), 11 Red-throated Diver (1E/10W), 4 Great Crested Grebe (1E/3os), 1 Fulmar (E), 21 Gannet (15E/6W), 58 Kittiwake (52E/6W), 59 Guillemot (2E/57W), 3 Razorbill (W), 56 Auk sp. (7E/49W)
2 Harbour Porpoise per MC
Dungeness Point: Caspian Gull present this morning as well as the usual Black Redstart by the Seawatch Hide.
RSPB Reserve: 4 Cattle Egrets still at Cockles Bridge, 1 Glossy Ibis around Boulderwall, redhead Smew still on ARC Pit