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At Dungeness Bird Observatory we take security of your data very seriously. The data we hold is kept securely on a password protected device and we never pass on any information to a third party. For more information please read our Data Policy available here.

Local weather


The Observatory can accommodate up to 9 people in two dormitories, you need to bring your own sleeping bags and it is self-catering. As well as Birdwatchers, we welcome people from many areas of interest including Moths, Butterflies, Bugs and Beetles or just a general interest in Nature and the local environment. Please forward any Dungeness recording area records to the Warden.
You can still support the Obs by using Give as you Live when shopping online.

27th Aug

With a drop in the wind there was a nice little arrival of migrants on the land this morning with a Kingfisher, three Great Spotted Woodpeckers, 50 Willow Warblers, 15 Blackcaps, 20 Whitethroats, a Redstart, five Whinchats, 12 Wheatears and the days highlight of a Grasshopper Warbler. There was also a bit passing overhead including 31 Ringed Plovers, 95 Yellow Wagtails, eight Grey Wagtails and three Tree Pipits
Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia   Dungeness   27th August 2020
A Little Gull was feeding at the Patch but passage was very slow with just 18 Turnstone, 31 Dunlin and 334 Sandwich Terns going though and five Arctic Skuas feeding offshore.

Three Porpoise and a Grey Seal were feeding offshore and a Brown Hare was seen on the land.

A fairly small catch of moths included a Scarce Bordered Straw and a Delicate of note.

It was also pleasing to find a Wasp Spider in the new ground to the front of the Observatory. It was feared that our small population may have been lost after all the groundwork here this spring.
Wasp Spider Argiope brunnechii   Dungeness   27th August 2020