Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Dungeness 15th August 2020. During the course of the day four Pied Flycatchers were ringed and unusually included this adult bird. |
At least 16 Porpoises were feeding offshore.
The moth traps continue to provide some exciting records with last nights highlights including a Beautiful Marbled, a Dark Crimson Underwing (third Observatory record), a Large Emerald, two Rosy Waves, a Jersey Tiger, 36 Tree-lichen Beauty's and our third-ever Metalampra italica.
Beautiful Marbled Eublemma purpurina and Dark Crimson Underwing Catocala sponsa Dungeness 15th August 2020 |
In addition, a couple more shots of yesterdays superb Antlion.
Antlion Eurolean nostras Greastone 14th August 2020. |
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