Over seven hours of seawatching produced a Garganey, 640 Common Scoters, 19 Grey Plovers, 144 Whimbrels, 16 Bar-tailed Godwits, two Knot, five Arctic Skuas, five Great Skuas, the first Black Tern of the year and 12 Mediterranean Gulls.
Moth trapping produced an Oak Nycteoline of note.
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Oak Nycteoline Nycteola revayana Dungeness 22nd April 2017 |
However, the obvious highlight of the day was the finding of a Lesser Yellowlegs on Burrowes Pit on the RSPB Reserve. This is the fourth Dungeness record following two birds in 1995 on 5th May and 29th August and one in 1997 between 22nd July and 8th August.