Another day of strong winds and frequent heavy rain. Gulls provided all the interest in the difficult conditions with the arrival of a huge first-winter Glaucous Gull and one of the Iceland Gulls and the first-winter Caspian Gull still present. A few Brent Geese also flew east in some of the clearer spells of weather.
A Porpoise was also seen.
Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus first-winter Dungeness 27th February 2017
Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus first-winter Dungeness 27th February 2017
With Herring Gull in front illustrating just how big the Glaucous Gull is.
Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus with Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans
an unlikely pair
A Porpoise was also seen.