Two sea watch sessions today, covering 3.5 hours.
The morning session recorded: Brent Goose 5W 2E, Shelduck one W, Velvet Scoter five W in a single flock, Common Scoter 7W 3E, Great Crested Grebe 11E, Kittiwake 26W, Mediterranean Gull four W, Guillemot 7W 5E, auk sp. 17W, Red-throated Diver 11W 5E, a single Fulmar and Gannet 68W 11E.
The afternoon session recorded: Common Scoter seven W, Kittiwake 56W, Guillemot 143W 8E, Razorbill 31W, auk sp. 244W 36E, Red-throated Diver 36W, a single Fulmar and Gannet 186W 11E and still plenty of Cormorants offshore!
A Grey Seal and Common Seal offshore.