Results from a poor hours sea watch this morning included: Great Crested Grebe three E and 13 offshore, Oystercatcher one E, Kittiwake five W, Guillemot one W, auk sp. five E, Red-throated Diver 7W, 2E and Gannet c.30 feeding offshore.
A single Grey Seal offshore.
Elsewhere, Bewick's Swan 48 Coldharbour Lane, Green Sandpiper four Midley, Red-throated Diver on New Diggings (RSPB), Pink-footed Goose six, White-fronted Goose eight on Boulderwall Fields (RSPB), Black Redstart three at the Power Station, Black-necked Grebe Dengemarsh (RSPB), Water Pipit three Hayfields (RSPB) and Tundra Bean Goose four at Scotney.