The highlight of the day was the seemingly overdue arrival of Yellow-browed Warblers with two in the Trapping Area and one at the north end of the Long Pits. Other notable grounded migrants included a Snipe, a Jay, 50 Chiffchaffs, 11 Blackcaps, a Whitethroat, seven Firecrests, four Song Thrushes and four Wheatears. There was also some overhead passage with a Golden Plover, 37 Skylarks, 500 Swallows, three Tree Sparrows, a Yellow Wagtail, three Grey Wagtails, three Bramblings, 240 Goldfinches, 70 Siskins and eight Reed Buntings. The sea was fairly quiet with a two-hour watch producing just 14 Mediterranean Gulls, 80 Sandwich Terns, four Arctic Skuas, 51 Razorbills, three Balearic Shearwaters and 431 Gannets.
Three Porpoises and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore and a Grey Squirrel was seen in the Trapping Area.