A small arrival of migrants in the bushes with 40 Chiffchaffs, seven Blackcaps, another elusive 'eastern-type' Lesser Whitethroat and 11 Song Thrushes along with two Dartford Warblers in the Desert. A trickle of birds passing overhead included 88 Stock Doves, 150 Swallows, 21 House Martin, two Tree Sparrows, a Grey Wagtail, four Rock Pipits, a Brambling and eight Siskins. Very quiet offshore with just two Arctic Skuas of note.
More interest in the moth traps a Gem, two Vestals, a Radford's Flame Shoulder, two Scarce Bordered Straws, two Delicates, a Blair's Shoulder-knot (last recorded in 2018), nine Palpita vitrealis and 13 Udea ferrugalis.
The Mediterranean Stick-insect was seen in the Observatory garden again.