In calm, cloudy conditions there was a good arrival of migrants in the bushes and a very decent passage overhead. Of note in the bushes were 40 Willow Warblers, two Grasshopper Warblers, 50 Blackcaps, three Garden Warblers, the first Firecrest of the autumn, a Pied Flycatcher, a Redstart and nine Whinchats. An Osprey and a Buzzard flew over while numbers were provided by 200 Sand Martins, 3000 Swallows, nine Tree Sparrows, 54 Yellow Wagtails, ten Grey Wagtails and seven Tree Pipits. Very quiet offshore although a juvenile Caspian Gull was seen briefly at the fishing boats and a couple each of Mediterranean Gull, Arctic Tern and Black Tern passed through.
At least six Porpoise were feeding offshore.
The moth traps produced two Palpita vitrealis, a Hoary Footman, three Delicates, a Scarce Bordered Straw and another Beautiful Marbled.