A quiet morning with very few migrants about but with the clear highlight of two Honey Buzzards which came in over the Old Lighthouse and then spent some time at the Long Pits, even landing in the bushes, before heading off to the north-west. The only other migrants of significance were 11 Willow Warblers, a Garden Warbler and 11 Tree Sparrows.
Three Porpoises were seen offshore.
Very windy conditions overnight limited the moth catch but surprisingly did include our second record of Porter's Rustic. Unfortunately the wind was such that it blew the moth off the tray and into the bushes and couldn't be refound for a photo opportunity. A Hoary Footman and a Palpita vitrealis were also caught.
Elsewhere, the White-winged Black Tern was showing well on Burrowes Pit, RSPB.