Just under five hours of seawatching produced six Mediterranean Gulls, 17 Sandwich Terns and the bird of the day in the form of a Puffin passing west. Grounded migrants were few and far between with just four Firecrests of interest but there was a reasonable overhead passage with 25 Swallows, five Rock Pipits, two Bramblings, 30 Redpolls, 1200 Goldfinches and 43 Siskins. A Barn Owl was heard in the evening.
Two Porpoises and a Grey Seal were seen offshore.
An excellent arrival of migrant moths occurred overnight with two Cosmopolitans of great note along with six Olive-tree Pearl Palpita vitrealis, a Box-worm Moth Cydalima perspectalis, a Vestal, a White-speck, three Delicates and a Scarce Bordered Straw. A nymph Mediterranean Stick-insect was found in the Observatory garden.
Cosmopolitan Mythimna loreyi Dungeness 28th October 2022 Two individuals trapped overnight were the 6th and 7th Observatory records. |