In very hot conditions there was very little to report in the way of birds except for the finding of two just hatched Ringed Plover chicks and another evening gathering of 550 Sand Martins at the Point.
Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula Dungeness 10th July 2022 |
Six Porpoises and a Grey Seal were seen offshore.
Despite good numbers of moths in the traps there was very little of note other than six Sussex Emeralds. Two Small Red-eyed Damselflies were seen on the southern Long Pit and a sweep-netting session produced another Heath Shieldbug Legnotus picipes (this one from Lady's Bedstraw), a Rhombic Shieldbug Syromastes rhombeus, two very small Tree Cricket nymphs and six Sickle-bearing Bush-cricket nymphs.