Seawatch Hide (08:15 to 10:00): 9 Dark-bellied Brent Goose (E), 104 Red-throated Diver (61W/43E), 45 Gannet (E), 3 Oystercatcher (E), 42 Kittiwake (E) and 3450 Auk sp. (2450E). Also 2 Harbour Porpoise and 1 Grey Seal per MC
Dungeness Point: 2 Peregrine, 1 Black Redstart and 1 Grey Wagtail per MC
Long Pits: Jack Snipe, 2 Common Snipe and 2 Chiffchaff
Observatory Ringing Totals: 10 House Sparrow (OL)
RSPB Reserve: Red-throated Diver on New Diggings, Redhead Smew still on ARC Pit, 5 Cattle Egret at Cockles Bridge and 2 Glossy Ibis from the Visitor Centre