Eleven Mediterranean Gulls were seen offshore.
A search for dragonflies this afternoon at the Long Pits proved highly productive with a(the) male Lesser Emperor, six Small Red-eyed Damselflies, seven Red-veined Darters and two Common Emeralds being found.
The moth traps were also very busy this morning with our first record of Bloxworth Snout being the highlight. Other notable records included our 14th record of Large Emerald, seven Sussex Emeralds, our 19th True Lovers Knot and sixth ever Slender Brindle and also a Yarrow Plume.
Bloxworth Snout Hypena obsitalis, Large Emerald Geometra papilionaria, Slender Brindle Apamea scolopacina, True Lovers Knot. Lycophotia porphyrea |
A Brown Hare was also seen on the land and 12 Porpoises and a Grey Seal were feeding offshore.
Elsewhere, the Serin was still singing at Littlestone.