There was a decent arrival of migrants today with 60 Chiffchaffs and 70 Blackcaps providing the numbers along with good variety of scarcer migrants including singles of Short-eared Owl, Pied Flycatcher and Redstart and three Wheatears. Birds passing overhead included four Buzzards, two Yellow Wagtails, 260 Meadow Pipits, 17 Siskins and 28 Reed Buntings.
Seawatching was fairly quiet but fours hours of observation eventually produced totals of two Great Skuas and 16 Arctic Skuas.The Grey Phalarope was seen again.
Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Dungeness 24th September 2018
Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Dungeness 24th September 2018 (Marcus Lawson) |
At least two Grey Seals and five Porpoises were feeding close inshore.
A Western Conifer Seed Bug was seen on one of the Observatory windows this afternoon.