Large numbers of gulls were streaming west past the seawatch hide this morning. With only a single observer, many birds were likely missed but timed counts between 07:45 to 09:15 recorded: Kittiwake 54W, Black-headed Gull c.7,500W, Mediterranean Gull 15W, Common Gull c.800W, Herring Gull c.4,500W and Caspian Gull 3+W. Other species included: Common Scoter four E, Guillemot 18W, Razorbill six W, auk sp. 47W, Red-throated Diver 46W 3E and Gannet 9W.
Elsewhere, 6 Pink-footed Goose, Firecrest, 3 Water Pipits, Great Northern Diver and at least 23 Goldeneye were recorded at RSPB Dungeness and 48 Bewick's Swans remain on Walland Marsh.