With a strong to gale force SSE wind for most of the day the main interest was offshore. Seven hours of watching produced 299 Brent Geese, nine Shelduck, 22 Shovelers, nine Gadwall, 25 Pintail, 430 Common Scoters, five Red-breasted Mergansers, 43 Whimbrel, six Little Gulls, 14 Mediterranean Gulls, 641 Sandwich Terns, 49 Common Terns, the first Arctic Tern of the spring, 12 Arctic Skuas, 72 Red-throated Divers, two Black-throated Divers and 769 Gannets. Very quiet on the land although the male Redstart was still present and two White Wagtails were seen.
Two Porpoises were feeding offshore and a Brown Hare was seen on the land.
A Blossom Underwing was trapped overnight - only the sixth Observatory record.