Another fairly miserable day of weather with a moderate SSE wind and intermittent rain. Again decent numbers of Gannet offshore, mainly moving westwards and a smattering of Brent Geese passing east.
Seawatch per MC/RW/OL (08:00 to 09:30): Brent Goose 56E, Common Scoter 1W, Great-crested Grebe 2W, Kittiwake 68W, Little Gull 3W, Mediterranean Gull 1E, Great Black-backed Gull 47W, Lesser Black-backed Gull 3W, Sandwich Tern 1W, Guillemot 13W, Razorbill 112W, Auk sp. 145W, Red-throated Diver 61W, Fulmar 13W and Gannet 958W.
Grey Seal 1
Black-headed Gull (TJVV) - Martin Casemore |
Map of Black-headed Gull (TJVV) Ringing Location to Dungeness Point |
Dungeness Point: Caspian Gull 1 (1st Win), Yellow-legged Gull 1 (3rd Win) both noted in the gull roost on the point. Also of note, the Black-headed Gull photographed above was colour-ringed in Poland and has returned to the peninsula for its fourth year in succession. The bird was originally ringed as an adult on the 6th June 2020 in Lubczyna, Poland some 980km from Dungeness (MC).
Long Pits: A Firecrest was seen at the end of the pits (JT-M).
Dungeness RSPB: The single Great Northern Diver was once again moving between Burrowes Pit and New Diggings. A drake Goldeneye was also on Burrowes, whilst a Great White Egret and two Brent Geese were around the Boulderwall Farm area (DB/MC/RW).
Lastly the family of three White-fronted Geese had moved over to Lydd Fields and could be viewed from Robin Hood Lane (MC).