The morning seawatch produced 44 Common Scoters east and a Manx Shearwater west while 30 Mediterranean Gulls and the juvenile Yellow-legged Gull were feeding at the Patch again. In the evening 100 Sand Martins flew south and out to sea.
Two Porpoises and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore.
There was little doubt about the oddest sighting of the day when a large Smooth-hound Shark swam along the shoreline and eventually stranded itself on the beach this evening.
Smooth-hound Shark Mustelus mustelus Dungeness 6th July 2023 |
The moth traps were fairly quiet but notable insects during the day were two Small Red-eyed Damselflies at the southern end of the Long Pits and a Bee Wolf nest digging in a sandy mound at the front of the Observatory.