There were good numbers of birds in the bushes this morning and also passing overhead throughout the day. Of note on the land were 100 Chiffchaffs, 50 Blackcaps, two Garden Warblers, three Spotted Flycatchers, a Pied Flycatcher and two Redstarts whilst four Marsh Harriers, 20 Buzzards, 100 Sand Martins, 3,500 Swallows, 1950 House Martins, 55 Yellow Wagtails, a record day total of 35 Grey Wagtails, 835 Meadow Pipits and 35 Tree Pipits flew over. It was quiet offshore where just two Mediterranean Gulls, a Yellow-legged Gull and six Arctic Skuas were of note.
At least 20 Porpoises, a Common Seal and two Grey Seals were feeding offshore.
The best from the moth traps were a Pinion-streaked Snout, a Red Underwing and a Delicate.
The population of Fire Bugs in the Observatory Garden continues to increase with at least 500 being counted this morning.
Fire Bugs Pyrrochoris apterus Dungeness 15th September 2022 |